We have been here in North Carolina for 3 months now and the time has flown by. Sabrina is continuing her photography business but it's taking some time to build a new cliental. Graydon loves to climb anything he can and recently discovered how to climb in his crib...enjoy the video of that below:) I have applied for a part-time unpaid chaplaincy internship at Wayne Memorial Hospital from January to May. I believe this experience will enable me to develop skills and use my giftedness. If accepted I look forward to interacting with patients, nurses and doctors regularly. It also gives me the future possibility to do a year residency at one of the hospitals in Raleigh or perhaps work with Hospice.
The Church plant we are part-time staff with is going well. We have an average attendance of 30 people coming and some of our core families have been wanting to serve more. We hope to be closer to where Excel Church is located, since right now we are only able to commute on the weekends with such a far drive. Since Excel is a new church plant and are limited with their funds, our family is trying to raise financial support. Sabrina and I are looking for financial and prayer partners. The tax deductible funds that are donated will help our family to better serve at Excel Church. If you would like to partner with us, we can email you more info or send a letter. Sorry we were not able to send Christmas cards out to everyone this year as finances are tight, but hope you enjoy the E Christmas card above. We love you all and hope you have a wonderful Christmas. We have so much to be thankful for no matter what circumstances we may be facing. Joy and Blessings. -The Whites
"But then I recall all you have done, O Lord; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago. They are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works." Psalm 77:11-12