Saturday, April 12, 2008

Can't Fathom

Below is a picture of mine and my son's feet. The more I look at my son Graydon, the more I fall in love with him. Yesterday, I got choked up as I was overwhelmed with love for him and thinking about how awesome it is to be his daddy. My son brings a joy into my life like I have never experienced before. His smiles melt my heart, the silly little things he does makes me laugh and my wife and I prayed for a snuggler and boy did we get one! The crazy thing is, I don't think Graydon will ever comprehend fully the love his mommy and daddy have for him. It makes me realize that I will never comprehend my own parents love for me, even though I am one now. I will also never be able to fully comprehend the love my Heavenly Father has for me. As my son's smiles melt my heart, so God melts when we smile at Him and are grateful for the life He has blessed us with. God takes great delight in His children as we bring Him much joy and laughter. The love God has for us is hard for most of us to understand. We try to think of all the reasons why God couldn't possibly love us, yet that doesn't mean it makes it any less real. We will never fathom the love God has for us, but today He wants to tell you that, "He's not ashamed of you, has never regretted once in creating you and is madly and deeply in love with you!"

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