This is a special gettin REAL to my parents and my in-laws. They both recently celebrated their 37th wedding anniversaries, my in-laws on June 12th (great day by the way!) and my parents on June 24th. There is something to be said about sticking it out through the wonderful and difficult times. The older Sabrina and I get the more we seem to love our parents even more and appreciate all that they have done for us time and time again. I think being a parent yourself makes you see your parents in a whole different light. I look at baby pictures of Graydon and get choked up to see how fast he has grown in 2 ½ years. I can only imagine how much our parents cherish every single memory that they have with their children and grandchildren the older they get.
In June my entire family, all 15 of us, went to Walt Disney World. This is a special place for our family as we have been there many times through the years. This was also special since it had been our first family vacation in almost 20 years together. It brought back a lot of memories from when I was a kid and my mom was amazed at what I remembered. It was a joy to see my parents interact with my son Graydon. Their generosity to my siblings and I have provided wonderful memories for not only us, but now to our own kids. Mom and Dad, I love you both more than you will ever know and I am one of the most blessed men on this earth to have such loving parents that have believed and supported me every step of the way.
Now to my in-laws, not only am I blessed to have such great parents, but to have in-laws who love and support you is incredible. We moved to NC almost a year ago and my in-laws said that we could stay with them so we could get established here in Goldsboro. I think they said yes because there was a cute little boy that came with the package. We told them that it would only be for a couple of months…well a couple of months turned into 10 months. The great thing is we all still like each other and enjoy being around one another☺ We did get our own place last month and I think everyone misses seeing each other in many ways. I do not know how Sabrina, Graydon and I would have made it here this first year without the both of you. Mom and Dad Rousay, you extended your home to us and made us feel like it was our home as well. I know at times it wasn’t always easy having 3 more people in the house, but we made the best out of it and all grew closer together. You both continue to give and give and we are so very grateful for your lives. Mom and Dad White and Mom and Dad Rousay, because all of you have chosen Christ, your spouse and to let love overcome, a great legacy is being made!