Sunday, July 29, 2007

Missions Trip to New Orleans

Putting on a new roof with youth from Minnesota, Alabama and Georgia. It was a privilege and an honor to help the people of New Orleans get back into their home. It also made me appreciate my job a lot more:)

Notice the church steeple that had broken off the church building from the hurricanes. Amazing at the damage still there 2 years later, but a lot of hardwork has been done. One lady commented that she sees church groups from all over the country working so hard to restore the city. That makes me proud to see Christians putting their words in action.

The Superdome, home of the Saints!

My kids who I am so proud of. They worked so hard and set such a great example to everyone down there. You guys are awesome!

1 comment:

drh said...

I helped my brother do some work on his house this summer - mostly painting and laying hardwood floor. I also used to work on roofs occasionally. It's tough and rewarding to work with your hands. I'm sure the people you helped appreciate it.